Jueza Vivian Polania Video: Leaked on Twitter, Reddit, Telegram, Instagram

Latest News Jueza Vivian Polania Video

The instance of Jueza Vivian Polania Video in Cúcuta has produced boundless interest and contention in Colombia and past its boundaries.

This episode has acquired significance on informal organizations and the media, and has started a profound discussion about the lead of public authorities, the public view of equity and limits between the private and open arenas.

Proclamation from the legal specialists

Because of the embarrassment brought about by Judge Jueza Vivian Polania Video, the administration of the Sectional Committee of the Legal executive of Norte de Santander and Arauca gave an authority proclamation. In this correspondence, a few perspectives connected with the utilization of public spaces of the Francisco de Paula Santander Royal residence of Equity, where the episode occurred, were tended to.

A particular timetable was laid out for the utilization of the normal region of the base camp, restricting it to work days from Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Also, it was stressed that these spaces ought to be utilized only by authorities and servers who will complete their lunch or breakfast shift, if vital. Whatever other occasion that wished to happen in these spaces must be recently conveyed to the sectional administration.

The assertion additionally reminded the servers and authorities relegated to the Cúcuta part of the significance of keeping up with great practices that ensure the ideal arrangement of the equity organization administration. These guidelines and updates mirrored the specialists’ anxiety to save the uprightness of the public spaces of the Royal residence of Equity and advance a satisfactory climate for the presentation of legal capabilities.

Investigation of article 154 and its denials

Article 154 of the inward guidelines of the Legal Branch lays out a progression of forbiddances and limitations that should be seen by authorities and workers of the equity framework. This article is basic in the examination of the direct of legal authorities in circumstances like that of Judge Vivian Polania Video.

One of the critical limitations of this article is the constraint on doing exercises outside the activity of their obligations during the work day. This limitation is planned to guarantee that authorities are completely taken part in their work liabilities and try not to take part in exercises that could occupy or think twice about execution.

Besides, Article 154 underlines the significance of keeping up with the respect of the organization of equity. This implies that legal authorities and representatives should keep up with lead that emphatically mirrors the picture of equity and produces trust in general society. Exercises that might subvert public trust in the organization of equity or undermine their poise are explicitly precluded.

Local area analysis and concerns

The scattering of the Appointed authority Jueza Vivian Polania Video on Instagram has major areas of strength for produced from different areas of Colombian culture. Many contend that the cooperation of an adjudicator in a private display in a public spot, for example, the Castle of Equity influences the pride of equity and sabotages public trust in the legal framework. This discernment depends on the possibility that legal authorities should keep up with exclusive requirements of lead and regard to save the respectability of equity.

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